
Qingdao Jintiandi Plastic manufacturer focused on to solve the daily used flexible plastic packaging problerms as well as the industrial use plastic bags.

What Makes Exclusive Cannabis Packaging be Popular

June 05,2019

On October 17, 2018, for Canada, this is undoubtedly a historic moment, when marijuana will be formally legal in Canada. With the formal legalization of marijuana, Canada will also become the world's largest legal country for recreational marijuana. All Canadian adults can legally buy, own, smoke and grow cannabis. Smoking cannabis will also become as simple as smoking and everywhere.

Can marijuana be used casually? since it is legally

The legalization of marijuana does not mean that you can smoke marijuana casually, but “can be marijuana according to regulations”. Therefore, only when the regulations are met and the population can smoke marijuana. According to federal regulations, people under the age of 18 cannot buy, hold, grow, or smoke marijuana. Canadian adults can only buy cannabis, cannabis plants, cannabis seeds, and related products from licensed producers from officially managed retailers, and can carry 30 grams of dry cannabis in public places; up to four cannabis per household. At the same time, these retail channels will also be subject to strict supervision.

In the meantime, the baby children could not reach the cannabis to prevent the touch. So the child-resistant packaging was widely used and popular in the market. 

Why there have to be Child-resistant packaging?

There are an estimated tens of thousands of accidental child poisonings in the United States each year.

Most of the affected children are mainly poisoned by small three-year-old children with pharmaceutical products.

Packing Child-resistant, the last barrier between the baby and the packaged content, the US Congress passed the Dangerous Goods Packaging Act in 1970, authorizing the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to regulate the safety standards for product packaging.

Because it is an important part. Independent child safety packaging systems and materials, safety function review is necessary to ensure that it is put into service before it is working properly. A standardized certification process can bring clarity, which can give the packaging quality and product safety at the time.

What kinds of CR bags will save the cost and keep the children out of the reach? 

Not jars, Flexible packaging bags will save your money and alternative to the containers. 

The most popular products currently are Pinch Slide bag, Grip Seal bag, Mini grip bag. Slide lock CR bags. If you wanna no more info please get back to us. 


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